About Us
Committee members
Where do we meet?
About the EAF
Annual Exhibition 2023
Open Photographic Competition 2023
Competition Winners 2024/25
2024/25 Monochrome Print Competition Top Scores
2024/25 Set Subject "Abandoned, broken or damaged"
DPI Competition 2024/25
Joe Sipos Trophy 2024/25
Competition Winners 2023/24
Annual DPI Competition 2023/24
Joe Sipos Trophy 2023/24
Monochrome Trophy 2023/24
Print Panel 2023/24
Set Subject 1: Movement 2023/24
Set Subject 2: "Lines & Patterns" 2023/24
Set Subject 3: A Portrait 2023/24
Competition Winners 2022/23
Annual PDI Competition 2022/23
Bamber Trophy 2022/23
Joe Sipos Trophy 2022/23
Monochrome Trophy 2022/23
Print Panel 2022/23
Set Subject 1: "Shadows" 2022/23
Set Subject 2: "Opposites" 2022/23
Set Subject 3: "Abstract" 2022/23
Competition Winners 2021/22
Annual PDI Competition 30/09/21
Bamber Trophy 2021/22
Image of the Year 2021/22
Joe Sipos Trophy 2021/22
Monochrome Trophy 2021/22
Pairs Competition 2021/22
Print Panel 2021/22
SS3: Fairy Tales, Myths and Legends
Set Subject 1: "Blue" 2021/22
Set Subject 2: "Metal" 2021/22
Competition Winners 2020/21
Annual PDI Competition 24/09/20
Bamber Trophy 2020/21
Image of the Year 2020/21
Joe Sipos Trophy 2020/21
Member's Evening, Informal competition, "RED"
Monochrome Trophy 2020/21
Print Panel 2020/21
Set Sub 2: The Great Environmental Outdoors, 2020
Set Subject 1: "Close-up" 2020/21
Set Subject 3: "Book Titles" 2020/21
Competition Winners 2019/20
Bamber Trophy 2019/20
DPI Competition 2019/20
Image of the Year 2019/20
Joe Sipos Trophy 2019/20
Lockdown Competition
Monochrome Trophy 2019/20
Print Panel 2019/20
Set Subject 3; "Water" 2019/20
Set Subject: In the Street
Set Subject: Sport
Competition Winners 2018/19
Image of the Year 2018/19
Joe Sipos Trophy 2018/19
Panel Competition 2018/9
Set Subject 1: "Song Titles" 2018/19
Set Subject 2: "Wonders of Cambridge" 2018/19
Set Subject 3: "Bridges" 2018/19
Bamber Trophy 2018/19
DPI Competition 2018/19
Monochrome Trophy 2018/19
Competition Winners 2017/18
Image of the Year 2017/18
Set Subject 3; "Within 5 Miles of Home" 2017/18
Bamber Trophy 2017/18
Set Subject 2; "Raw Power" 2017/18
Panel Competition 2017/18
Colour Print Competition 2017/18
DPI Competition 2017/18
Set Subject 1; "Earth, Wind or Fire" 2017/18
Monochrome Trophy 2017/18
Competition Winners 2016/17
Bamber Trophy 2016/17
Colour Print Competition 2016/17
DPI Competition 2016/17
Monochrome Trophy 2016/17
Panel Competition 2016/17
Set Subject 1; "Joy" 2016/17
Set Subject 2; "Shakespeare" 2016/17
Set Subject 3; "Alone" 2016/17
Trophy winners (Past & Present)
Submission Guidelines
External competitions
Members galleries
Other photography clubs
Photographic organisations
Commercial links
Club documents
Club Events Calendar
Contact us
Lockdown Competition
Loch Linnhe
1st Place (processed during Lockdown)
Derek Smith
1st Place (processed during Lockdown)
Derek Smith