About Us
Committee members
Where do we meet?
About the EAF
Annual Exhibition 2023
Exhibition 2024
Online exhibition
Open Photographic Competition 2023
Competition Winners 2024/25
2024/25 Monochrome Print Competition Top Scores
2024/25 Set Subject "Abandoned, broken or damaged"
DPI Competition 2024/25
Joe Sipos Trophy 2024/25
Print Panel 2024/25
Set Subject 2: Weather
Competition Winners 2023/24
Annual DPI Competition 2023/24
Joe Sipos Trophy 2023/24
Monochrome Trophy 2023/24
Print Panel 2023/24
Set Subject 1: Movement 2023/24
Set Subject 2: "Lines & Patterns" 2023/24
Set Subject 3: A Portrait 2023/24
Competition Winners 2022/23
Annual PDI Competition 2022/23
Bamber Trophy 2022/23
Joe Sipos Trophy 2022/23
Monochrome Trophy 2022/23
Print Panel 2022/23
Set Subject 1: "Shadows" 2022/23
Set Subject 2: "Opposites" 2022/23
Set Subject 3: "Abstract" 2022/23
Competition Winners 2021/22
Annual PDI Competition 30/09/21
Bamber Trophy 2021/22
Image of the Year 2021/22
Joe Sipos Trophy 2021/22
Monochrome Trophy 2021/22
Pairs Competition 2021/22
Print Panel 2021/22
SS3: Fairy Tales, Myths and Legends
Set Subject 1: "Blue" 2021/22
Set Subject 2: "Metal" 2021/22
Competition Winners 2020/21
Annual PDI Competition 24/09/20
Bamber Trophy 2020/21
Image of the Year 2020/21
Joe Sipos Trophy 2020/21
Member's Evening, Informal competition, "RED"
Monochrome Trophy 2020/21
Print Panel 2020/21
Set Sub 2: The Great Environmental Outdoors, 2020
Set Subject 1: "Close-up" 2020/21
Set Subject 3: "Book Titles" 2020/21
Competition Winners 2019/20
Bamber Trophy 2019/20
DPI Competition 2019/20
Image of the Year 2019/20
Joe Sipos Trophy 2019/20
Lockdown Competition
Monochrome Trophy 2019/20
Print Panel 2019/20
Set Subject 3; "Water" 2019/20
Set Subject: In the Street
Set Subject: Sport
Competition Winners 2018/19
Image of the Year 2018/19
Joe Sipos Trophy 2018/19
Panel Competition 2018/9
Set Subject 1: "Song Titles" 2018/19
Set Subject 2: "Wonders of Cambridge" 2018/19
Set Subject 3: "Bridges" 2018/19
Bamber Trophy 2018/19
DPI Competition 2018/19
Monochrome Trophy 2018/19
Competition Winners 2017/18
Image of the Year 2017/18
Set Subject 3; "Within 5 Miles of Home" 2017/18
Bamber Trophy 2017/18
Set Subject 2; "Raw Power" 2017/18
Panel Competition 2017/18
Colour Print Competition 2017/18
DPI Competition 2017/18
Set Subject 1; "Earth, Wind or Fire" 2017/18
Monochrome Trophy 2017/18
Competition Winners 2016/17
Bamber Trophy 2016/17
Colour Print Competition 2016/17
DPI Competition 2016/17
Monochrome Trophy 2016/17
Panel Competition 2016/17
Set Subject 1; "Joy" 2016/17
Set Subject 2; "Shakespeare" 2016/17
Set Subject 3; "Alone" 2016/17
Trophy winners (Past & Present)
Submission Guidelines
External competitions
Members galleries
Other photography clubs
Photographic organisations
Commercial links
Club documents
Club Events Calendar
Contact us
Set Subject 3: A Portrait 2023/24
Kevin Lunham Montpellier snake 1